时间:2021-07-07 浏览:
Established in 1972, RESQTEC ZurnroB.Y. is the mostinnovative manufacturer of rescue and aircraft recovery
equipment servicing technical rescuers and aircraft recoveryteams all over the world. RESQTEC helps the rescue industry
to operate under safe circumstances, to be capable and incontrol. Over the past four decades, we have positioned
ourselves to become a service-oriented company, deliveringrescue equipment, training, service and support in our four
fields of expertise: Heaηr Rescue, USAR, Extrication andAircraft Recovery. We are responsible for major innovations
like the NT lifting bag,R2s Aircraft Recovery Systems and the Q 1 confined space cutter. All our products are similar in
the way that they are all dedicated to safe lives or protect citizens. During the development process we strive to always
provide high perfo口口ance and smart solutions, by making use of the latest technologies in materials and engineering.